EORS awards

EORS New Investigator poster and presentation awards are to be chosen and awarded at the conference:

Best Overall Poster

Best Biomechanics New Investigator Poster

Best Clinics New Investigator Poster

Best Biology New Investigator Poster Edward R. Valstar

Best Overall Oral Presentation Award

Best Biomechanics New Investigator Oral Presentation

Best Clinics New Investigator Oral Presentation

Best Biology New Investigator Oral Presentation



The International Combined Orthopaedic Research Societies (ICORS) serves as an alliance of societies to promote basic, translational, and clinical musculoskeletal research worldwide. The Combined Meeting was launched in 1992 and has convened every three years since On October 15, 2013, at the 8th Combined Meeting of the Orthopaedic Research Societies hosted by the European Orthopaedic Research in Venice, Italy, a new alliance was formed; the International Combined Orthopaedic Research Societies. Nine organizations were selected and approved as the founding members; Australia/New Zealand ORS, British ORS, Canadian ORS, Chinese ORS, European ORS, Japanese Orthopaedic Association, Korean ORS, the Orthopaedic Research Society, and the Taiwanese ORS.


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ICORS 2022

If you have any questions or suggestions, please contact us: ICORS2022CHARACTER SEQUENCE@ed.ac.uk or click to email.